"sweet joyful caring sociable sensitive romantic imaginative passionate funny"
Q: What do you think, is the man (human) monogamous? And why do you think that?
Well... I rather think this is more a personal choice, according to every person's belief or life style. If, for instance someone has a strong morality or is a family person, he/she will think twice before getting involved with someone else, and in the end will abandon the idea, even if he/she feels really attracted to that person.Yet, having a look around us nowadays and seeing how relationships end as quickly as they began, or how partners are often involved in two or even more connections at once, I am more likely to believe that human is not monogamous, but always looking for the new and a diversity in his life.
Q: If you could travel in time, what time would you like to live in and why?I would have liked to live in the Settecento, in Italy of the 18th century, more exactly in Venice. A city married to the sea, Venice was best known then for its sensational music and arts, but also for pleasure and love. I am fascinated by the epoque dresses that women wore in that time and I would have loved to be an aristocratic princess from the Venetian Court, listening to melodic serenades in a gondola. And why not, in one of those promenades, to meet Casanova and experience by myself his legendary art of seduction.
Q: What would you tell Donald Trump if he was in your room?
I have never been attracted to politics and I never liked Donald Trump that much, but neither hated him, as I noticed many people did, especially when he was elected. But If I have to pay attention to all the nasty comments about him in the media, and also to his really unpredictable personality, I think that I would tell him: "Mister Trump, you didn't do so bad as a president until now, I expected much worse from you when I heard you won the elections. There are times when you even look like a normal person, which is great." :)
Q: What would be your super power and why?
I would love to have the super power to teleport myself in time, not only in the past, but also in the future. It would be just amazing to see with my own eyes the mighty dinosaurs, as well as how our ancestors really looked like, and furthermore to witness myself the most important events that occurred during the evolution of humanity. But more than anything, I would be so curious to see how much the technology will develop in the future and how our world will look like in couple of hundreds, or even thousands years from now.
Q: Can (good looking) men and women be "just friends", without benefits?As for me, I think it could be possible that a good looking men and women are "just friends", but only if both are engaged in loving and happy affairs with other persons and none of them feels the need to look for something else than he/she already found in his/her own love partner. Otherwise I find it not so easy, especially for men, as men are known to think more often about sex than women and see in almost all good looking women they meet a possible sex partners.
Q: If you caught a goldfish and it told you that you could have three wishes, what would it be?
I would ask it to give me the talent to become a singer with a beautiful and special voice. I really appreciate true artists who sing good quality music, their music can often be both entertaining and sometimes a cure for thousands or millions of people. My second wish would be to create a big and modern shelter for all the abandoned and sick animals, I am a big animal lover and nothing makes me sadder than seeing animals suffering. And the last wish would be that I don't feel the need to sleep anymore. I mean I love sleeping, but If I never felt tired, I imagine that I could do so many other things in the time other people use it to sleep.
Q: If you could be an animal which one would you be and why?If I could be an animal, I would choose to be a black Amur leopard. Not only because of its appearance (it has a black and shiny coat which reminds me of my hair :)), but also because I see it like a proud creature with an enigmatic and mysterious side, which attracts me and it also distinguishes itself among other animals; he can strongly protect the ones he loves, but at the same time, he can be quite brutal with the ones that threaten him.
Q: Do you enjoy roleplay and why?I enjoy roleplay because it allows me to play different roles and characters, most of the time in a sexually suggestive manner. Another reason why I like it is because it often involves me wearing different thematic sexy costumes, a thing that I love and I can't really do it in daily life, on the street.
Q: Do you recall the strangest/funniest request you ever received while online? Did you do it?
I did receive many strange and funny requests while being online, but I do recall one that I thought was the funniest of all. I was asked some time ago to use a scissors to cut parts of my hair in VIP. Of course I didn't do it, I do like my hair being long :)
Q: Which place would you like to visit?If it was only for me, I would visit the entire world, but if I had to choose just one place, it would definitely be Seychelles. When I imagine how paradise would look like, I think about this island country in Indian Ocean which fascinates me because of all its beauties: landscapes that seem like from another world, its spectacular beaches with white and fine sand, its waters colored into an unreal blue and its tall palm trees blowing into the wind beat. I would just love to spend an exotic holiday in this marvelous place.
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